Welcome to St. Peter's Lutheran Church website.
We welcome you to join us at St. Peter's Lutheran Church. We are a short drive south of Cornelius, out in the country. Take a drive, see the rural scenery, and join us for worship. St. Peter's is a congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, utilizing the historic liturgies of the Lutheran Church.
Our usual programming of Sunday School / Bible Class / Worship. Sunday School and Bible Class for all ages (3 yrs to adult) is at 9.15 am. Worship is at 10.30 am. Our worship service is livestreamed and archived on our YouTube channel www.youtube.com/@st.peterslutheranchurch-lc4543
About Us
Many years ago, Martin Luther defined the church as “little sheep who hear the voice of their Shepherd.” Indeed, this is what the church is. This is what St. Peter’s Lutheran Church is – believers (His sheep) who gather around the voice of Jesus in His Word.
Get Involved
At St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, we have become a ‘church family’. We are connected by faith, by confession, by ministry, by service opportunities, and by relationship.