At St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, we commit ourselves to “liturgical, Christ-centered worship”.

What you will experience

The Sunday Worship Services at St. Peter’s are recognizably Lutheran, utilizing a variety of traditional and familiar service formats.  Each service will focus upon Jesus as Savior and will feature readings from the Word of God.  At every service, we read from the Psalms, the Old Testament, one of the New Testament letters, and one of the four Gospels.  The Gospel reading will set the theme for the day.

At 10.30 am we have a formal, traditional service which utilizes a number of traditional liturgies from The Lutheran Hymnal and Lutheran Service Book.  The music for this service is accompanied by the pipe organ and might include special vocal music, instrumental pieces, music by our choir, or featuring our handbell choir.

During Advent (the 4 weeks before Christmas) we have Wednesday evening services at 7:00 pm with a Soup Supper for all at 6:00 pm.  Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are opportunities for celebrative worship every year.

During Lent (the 6 weeks before Easter) we also have Wednesday evening services with  Soup Supper.  During Holy Week we meet for special services on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.  Easter Service is a highlight of the year.