Bible Classes are available throughout the week, both in the church building and in member’s homes.
Since the Hearing of God’s Word is central to the life of faith, we feature a robust program of individual and group Bible-study opportunities at St. Peter’s. We hope that one or more of these opportunities will become a regular part of our congregational family’s spiritual growth and expression.
Adult Studies A variety of studies in God’s Word are available in a variety of venues for adults at St. Peter’s. These include:
Sunday Morning Bible Study @ 9:15 am. This study is led by the Pastor.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study @ 10.00 am. This study focuses upon the assigned worship texts for the coming Sunday.
Occasional Bible Studies are held in member's homes
Women’s Ministry (LWML) meets monthly and includes a Bible Study.
Periodic adult membership classes (Spiritual Growth Class) is offered in the fall and winter seasons, usually on Thursday nights. This 8-week course examines how Lutheran Christians view faith and life. This class is held onsite at St. Peter’s, but a Zoom link is optional if personal attendance is not possible.
Junior High Confirmation Class Students in the 7th & 8th grades meet weekly to study the basics of the Christian Faith using Luther's Small Catechism as the course material. This 2-year course of instruction focuses upon the experience of the Christian Faith in daily living and in congregational service.
High School Studies Our High School youth meet for activities, study, discussion, and encouragement. They participate in larger events within the LCMS and local communities, such as Creation, the National Youth Gathering, Higher Things, and local service projects.
Children’s Studies Sunday School meets every Sunday morning at 9.15 am. We have classes for ages 3 yr through adult.